Thursday, December 17, 2015

Characteristics of Life Booklet

Characteristics of Life Booklet:


We have finally completed our tour of the 9 characteristics of life.  You have worked extremely hard this past semester, and now its time to wrap it all up.  For this last project, you will be making a review book that explains the major concepts, graphic organizers, and summary images for each unit that we covered this semester.  We have already outlined and discussed as a class what should be placed into your book.  An outline of the book chapters can be found below.  However, your book should contain more details and images than what is outlined below.  Your book should contain the following chapters:


  1. Cover Page – contains the nine units that we have covered this semester
  2. Chapter 1 – Biological Molecules
    1. Biological Molecules Chart – Functions/monomers/polymers/elements
    2. Enzymes – Function/lock and key model/write-up for “hamburger” breakdown in stomach
  3. Chapter 2 – Cellular Organelles
    1. Compare and contrast Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes (Include Images)
    2. Compare and contrast Plants and Animal Cells (Include images)
    3. Structure/function of the following organelles: nucleus, ribosomes,  R-ER, mitochondria, vacuole, lysosomes, chloroplasts, cell wall, and plasma membrane (Include images)
  4. Chapter 3 – Cellular Transport
    1. Plasma membrane structure/function (Include images)
    2. Passive vs Active Transport
    3. Osmosis – What happens to plant cells and animal cells in hypertonic, hypotonic, and isotonic solutions (NOTE: The 2 cells behave differently)
  5. Chapter 4 – Energy
    1. Explain how energy is released from ATP (ATP à ADP à AMP)
    2. Photosynthesis – chemical reaction and location of process
    3. Cellular Respiration – chemical reaction and location of process
    4. How does photosynthesis relation to cellular respiration
    5. Compare and contrast aerobic and anaerobic respiration
  6. Chapter 5 – Ecology
    1. Biotic vs. Abiotic factors
    2. Flow of energy – food chain, food webs, and food chains, Who has the most energy?
    3. Cycles – carbon, nitrogen, phosphorous, and water
    4. Symbiosis – mutualism, parasitism, commensalism
    5. Biomagnification – DDT
    6. Human Population – Growth, exponential vs. logistical growth, density dependent limiting factors, and density independent limiting factors
    7. Global warming vs. Ozone Depletion
    8. Predator/Prey relationships
  7. Chapter 6 – Evolution
    1. Darwin vs. Lamarck (Include diagrams)
    2. Evidences of Evolution (Include diagrams)
    3. Evolution by natural selection
    4. Types of natural selection (include diagrams)
    5. Alternative ways that evolution can occur
    6. Origins of Life – abiogenesis vs. biogenesis, endosymbiosis, Pasteur, Redi, and Urey and Miller
    7. Classification (Linnaeus) – Binomial nomemclature, and 7 taxons
    8. dichotomous key, and cladograms
  8. Chapter 7 – DNA and Protein Synthesis
    1. Functions of DNA
    2. DNA replication
    3. DNA Structure
    4. Compare and contrast DNA and RNA
    5. Transcription
    6. Translation
  9. Chapter 8 – Cell Division
    1. Somatic vs. Germline cells
    2. Cell Cycle – somatic cells (mitosis)
    3. Cell cycle – Germline cells (meiosis)
    4. Vocab – haploid, diploid, homologous chromosomes, sister chromatids, crossing over, kinetochore, and centromere


  1. Chapter 9 – Heredity/ Biotechnology
    1. Reference foldable


Grading will be based upon the following:

  1. Completion (all chapters are included in your book)
  2. Depth of knowledge (Key concepts and details are provided for each chapter)
  3. Creativity
  4. Neatness



Due Date:

Due Date:
Count as:
Cover Page
Dec. 18, 2015
HW Grade
Chapter 1, 2, and 3
Jan. 5, 2016
HW Grade
Chapter 4 and 5
Jan. 6, 2016
HW Grade
Chapter 6
Jan 7, 2016
HW Grade
Chapter 7
Jan. 8, 2016
HW Grade
Chapter 8
Jan. 11, 2016
HW Grade
Chapter 9
Jan 12, 2016
HW Grade
Jan 13, 2016
Project Grade


Wednesday, December 9, 2015


1. Watch video on Pedigree Analysis
Video (
Title: What are Pedigree Charts
By: Mark Drollinger

2. Please complete the Pedigree worksheet here.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Nondisjunction overview

Instructions for Station 1:
Play the animation found here to answer questions for Station 1.  You do NOT need to play the entire animation.  Stop the animation at the point where the animation details each step of meiosis.

Instructions for Station 2:
Play the animation found here to complete questions and diagrams for Station 2.

Instructions for Station 3:
An organism has a diploid number of 4.  You are going to draw a diagram depicting what this organism's chromosomes will look like in each of the following stages (each stage is represented by a circle):
a. Germline cell prior to start of interphase
b. At the end of DNA replication
c. At the end of Prophase I
d. At the end of Meiosis I
e. At the end of Meiosis II

Monday, November 30, 2015

Monday, November 23, 2015

Cell Energy Cycle AND Photosynthesis Lab

1. Go to website:

2. On the website, select Login/Enroll

3. Enter their Class Code
         Class Code for Block1:      

4. The student will get two choices:
(option #1) I already have an ExploreLearning account, Login Now to Enroll
(option #2) I need to create an ExploreLearning account, Register Now to Enroll
Select the option#2

5. Enter profile information, including a username and password, and select Submit. This will both create your account and enroll your in the class.

6. Click on “Launch Gizmo” next to Cell Energy Cycle tab

7. Complete the worksheet using this program. 

Friday, November 20, 2015

Introduction to Heredity Video Questions

Introduction to Heredity Video Questions:
Video:                   “Monohybrids and the Punnett Square Guinea Pigs”
By:                          Amoeba Sisters


1.       Guinea pigs obtain their genes from                                       .

2.       What is the definition of an allele?

3.       Alleles are represented by                                          .

4.       How many alleles do you have per gene? (THIS IS NOT IN THE VIDEO. THINK!!!)

5.       Hairless guinea pigs have how many alleles for the gene, Hair?

6.       What is the genotype of the hairless guinea pigs?

7.       When do recessive alleles show up?

8.       A dominant allele is represented by                                        .

9.       What is the definition of genotype?

10.   What are the 2 possible genotypes for guinea pig without hair?

11.   How many alleles are necessary for a dominant trait to show up?

12.   Provide 2 homozygous genotypes.

13.   Provide 1 example of heterozygous genotype

14.   What is a monohybrid cross?

15. Two heterozygous guinea pigs for hair are crossed:
a.       What are the genotypes of the parents?
b. Show the cross below.

 c.       Provide the percent genotype for offspring.


d.      Provide the ratio of genotypes for the offspring


 e.      Provide the percent phenotype for offspring


 f.        Provide the ratio of phenotype for offspring
