Monday, December 7, 2015

Nondisjunction overview

Instructions for Station 1:
Play the animation found here to answer questions for Station 1.  You do NOT need to play the entire animation.  Stop the animation at the point where the animation details each step of meiosis.

Instructions for Station 2:
Play the animation found here to complete questions and diagrams for Station 2.

Instructions for Station 3:
An organism has a diploid number of 4.  You are going to draw a diagram depicting what this organism's chromosomes will look like in each of the following stages (each stage is represented by a circle):
a. Germline cell prior to start of interphase
b. At the end of DNA replication
c. At the end of Prophase I
d. At the end of Meiosis I
e. At the end of Meiosis II

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