Tuesday, September 6, 2016


Answer the following questions as you watch the video about enzymes.

Video can be found on youtube with the following link:

"Enzymes - A Fun Introduction"

1. What are enzymes?
2. Enzymes have a specific shape. True/False
3. Explain the location and function of 2 enzymes:
                      Location:               Function:         

4. Common characteristics of enzymes:

     a. Each enzyme has an active site
                  I. Diagram and define active site of an enzyme
                  II. Diagram and define substrate
                  III. Diagram and explain what happens to a substrate during a chemical reaction.
                  IV. Starch in bread is changed into monomers called                                    
                   V. Starch is what type of biological molecule (not found in video)?
                   VI. What combines excess glucose molecules together to form starch?
                    VII. Where is glycogen found?

       b. Enzymes are very specific
                  I. Explain why the enzyme, lipase, can only bind to fat and not glucose (include diagram)

       c. Enzymes are recycled
                  I. Enzymes are altered/changed by the chemical reaction.  True/False
                  II. Enzymes are reusable.  True/False