Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Cellular Respiration Video

Please watch the following video and answer the video questions to review cellular respiration.

Youtube: (
Title: "Cellular Respiration and the Mighty Mitochondria"
By: Amoeba Sisters

Video Questions here

Monday, September 28, 2015

Photosynthesis Video Questions

Answer the following questions about this video:

1.     What is the chemical reaction describing

2.       What are the 3 processes of photosynthesis?

3.    Where does the Light dependent reaction occur in
the chloroplasts?

4.      For the light dependent reaction, answer the following:

a.       Location?

b.      Starting Material?

c.       Product?

d.      Destination of product?

5.     For the light independent reaction, answer the

a.      Location?

b.   Starting Material?

c.      Product?

d.     Destination of Product?

6.       What is hydrolysis?

a.       Location?

b.      Starting Material?

c.       Products?

d.      Destination of Products?

Friday, September 25, 2015


Video #1: Photosynthesis

Answer the following questions about this youtube video
“ Photosynthesis and the Teeny Tiny Pigment Pancakes” by the Ameoba Sisters
1. Which biological molecule do plants and animals need?

2. What is the process by which plants take sunlight and make glucose?

3. What is the chemical equation describing photosynthesis?

4. What are the reactants of photosynthesis? Products?

5. What is the pigment of plants that captures sunlight?

6. Where is chlorophyll found in plants?

7. In the light dependent reaction, sunlight is converted into what type of energy?

8.  What are the 3 process/reactions of photosynthesis?

9. For the light dependent reaction, answer the following:
a. Location in chloroplast?
b. Starting Material?
c. Products?
d. Destination of products?

10. For Hydrolysis, answer the following:
a. Location in chloroplast?
b. Starting material?
c. Products?
d. Desintation of products?

Video #2: Calvin cycle

Answer the following questions about this youtube video.
"Nature's smallest factory: The Calvin cycle - Cathy Symington" by TED-Ed
10. For the Calvin cycle, what is the name of the 5 carbon  unstable molecule?

11. What is the name of the enzyme required to add carbon from CO2 to the 5 carbon unstable molecule?

12. what is the name of the (2) 3-carbon molecules?

13. For the Light Independent reaction, answer the following:
a. Location in chloroplast?
b. Starting material?
c. Products?
d. Destination of products?

Monday, September 21, 2015

Cellular Transport Worksheet

This is the homework for September 21, 2015 (Monday night). Please take the time to look up answers to questions that you do not understand.  Utilize resources such as your textbook or Google. You can write your answers on a separate sheet of paper

Monday, September 14, 2015

Cellular Organelles Vocabulary Chunking

Please complete the Vocabulary Chunking Worksheet.  You can write the sentences on a separate sheet of paper or you can print out the worksheet.