"Mitosis: The Amazing Cell Process that Uses Division to Multiply!"
2. Please watch the following video and answer the video questions here.
Video by Amoeba Sisters: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcz1FOWw0Cg)
Video can also be found on youtube:
"Chromosome Numbers During Division: Demystified!
As you are watching the video, pause the video during or after the description of each mitotic phase, and 1. DRAW and 2. DESCRIBE in detail what occurs in each phase of mitosis.Use the worksheet provided in class to complete the homework. Pay attention to the microtubules (spindle fibers) during each phase of mitosis
1. What does DNA code for?
2. What protein determines your eye color?
3. Define Protein Synthesis?
4. Where is the location of DNA in eukaryotic cell?
5. What are the two major steps of protein synthesis in order?
6. In transcription, what is made and where does this product go?
7. What is the function of ribosomes?
8. What is ribosomes made up of?
9. In translation, mRNA is translated into ______?
10. What are the 2 binding sites of tRNA?
11. What are tRNA?
12. How are amino acids linked together?
13. How does tRNA read the mRNA?
Video #2:
This video provides an in depth explanation of protein synthesis, which aligns with your class notes. Please pay attention to the details in this video.
NOTE: This video uses the term "GENE EXPRESSION." Gene expression is another term that also means Protein synthesis. So every time the video states "Gene Expression," know that the video is referring to protein synthesis.
1. Where are the instructions to make proteins?
2. What is a gene and what does a gene code FOR?
3. Where does transcription occur? The DNA is a template used to synthesize ___________.
4. In translation, the information on mRNA is used to make _______________.
5. During transcription, DNA is used to make mRNA with the help of which enzyme?
6. Transcription occurs in 3 stages: a._____________ b._____________ c.______________
7. During initiation, what binds to the promoter region?
8. What happens to DNA upon binding of RNA polymerase to the promoter region?
9. During elongation, RNA polymerase links _____________ to ______ end of mRNA molecule.
10. Predict what signals RNA polymerase to stop transcribing the DNA molecule?
11. The pre-mRNA includes which regions?
12. What must be removed from pre-mRNA and what must be added to mRNA in order for mRNA to exit the nucleus?
13. What is a codon? Provide an example.
14. When does translation begin?
15. Who brings amino acid to the ribosome?
16. Explain how tRNA binds to the mRNA?
17. Explain how the polypeptide is elongated.
Good Morning H. Biol, (AP Biology need to scroll below)
Thank you so much for being patient with me as I am getting over the flu. I know the last day has not been extremely exciting, but I appreciated your cooperation and excellent behavior for our substitute yesterday as well as today. Please examine the directions below to complete your assignment for today....
1. Please complete the webquest for DNA and Protein Synthesis here.
NOTE:You may either print out the webquest on the computer lab printer (which may take a long time) or you can just write your answers out on a separate sheet of paper). Please work individually.
Anything that you do not complete will be for homework. Have a great day and I will see you all tomorrow - Dr. Luk
Good Afternoon AP Biology,
I hope you all have had a great weekend. Please complete the webquest on nervous system here. The links within the webquest are entirely too long so I have provided shorten versions of the links below. You have the entire block to complete this assignment. I will not accept late work for yesterday and todays' assignments so please use your time accordingly.
Part I http://tinyurl.com/45vv4wt Part II http://tinyurl.com/m8usk7n Part III http://tinyurl.com/zhkrbez Part IV http://tinyurl.com/zetcm33 http://tinyurl.com/6yb87tz
Please watch the following videos and answer the accompany questions:
Video #1:
"What is Evolution?" by StatedClearly
1. Define Evolution.
2. Explain how heritable traits are passed from parent to offspring.
3. Explain how DNA mutations occur?
4. Explain how DNA mutations affect offspring.
5. Explain how the badger in the video evolved.
6. Explain how humans impacted the evolution of dogs.
Video #2:
"What is the Evidence of Evolution? by StatedClearly
1. List the 2 claims of Evolution?
2. List the comparative anatomy evidences that suggest cetaceans evolved
from a common ancestor (Land mammal).
3. What are the lines of embryological evidence that suggests cetaceans evolved
from a common ancestor?
4. What characteristics of fossils show that whales evolved from mammals?
5. A whale's DNA is most closely related to which animal? Does this suggest
that the whale evolved from the animal?
6. List the different ways that show how Whales and Hippos similar to each
7. Birds evolved from which ancestor, and what evidences supports this
8. Mammals evolved from _______________ which evolved from _____________
which evolved from ________________ which evolved from ___________ which
evolved from worms.
2. The shape of DNA is compared to ___________________.
3. What type of macromolecule or biological molecule is DNA?
4. Amino acids are monomers of which biological molecule?
5. Amino acids are linked together by _______________ bond
to form ________________ chain.
6. Is the polypeptide chain a functional protein?
7. What is an example of a protein that must be folded into
a specific shape in order to bind its substrate? (Think back to biological
molecules – that information does NOT go away)
8. One function of DNA is obviously to store and transmit
genetic information.However, DNA has
another role.DNA not only codes for the
amino acid sequence, but DNA also tells amino acids to do what?
9. What are the 4 chemical structures of DNA?
10. Where is DNA located in the cell?
11.Where are amino
acids located in the cell?
12. If DNA cannot exit the nucleus, what must DNA do in
order to make protein?
13. How does mRNA differ from DNA?
14. How does mRNA exit the nucleus?And where does RNA go to make proteins?
15. What is the mRNA molecule used to make at the ribosomes?
16.In which
organelle can the polypeptide chain be folded into a functional protein? (NOTE:
The video shows that the polypeptide chain can fold into its shape as it leaves
the ribosome; however, there is another organelle responsible for folding of
polypeptide chain)
17. Explain how the ribosomes assemble the polypeptide
18.DNA is absolutely
essential to make protein.Looking at
the image below, where each process occurs:
a. In which
organelle is DNA sequence used to make the mRNA sequence?
b. In which
organelle is mRNA sequence used to make the polypeptide chain?
c. In which
organelle can the polypeptide chain be folded?
1. Read the following article about evolution. Please study the evidences for Evolution! (Potential Quiz on Evidences of Evolution Tuesday).
2. Summarize each paragraph into diagrams, charts, and/or statements