Thursday, October 6, 2016

Cellular Respiration: What Food is For


Answer the following questions:

1. What are the 3 types of organisms that make their own food?

2. What are photoautotrophs?

3. What are chemoautotrophs?

4. Which organ requires the most energy to function?

5. What is the "big picture" in cellular respiration?

6. In the analogy provided in the video, what does the paycheck, bank, and money represent?

7. When your body converts food into chemical energy, most of the energy is lost as _______?

8. What is the first process of cellular respiration? Location? Starting? Products?

9. What is the structure of the mitochondria? (Provide an image)

10. Where does the TCA cycle (Krebs Cycle) occur in the mitochondria?

11. What must happen to pyruvate before it enters the TCA cycle?

12. As the TCA cycle progresses, bonds are broken to relase carbon.  What does carbon bind with and what molecule is generated?

13. What are the electron carriers in the TCA cycle?

14. Where does the ETC occur?

15. The energy lost from electrons as it move along the ETC is used to perfrom what process?

16. What is the final electron acceptor at the end of the ETC?

17. Which process is more efficient at making ATP?

18. What are the reactants of cellular respiration?

19. What are the products of cellular respiration?

20.  How does the structure of the mitochondria relate to its function?

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

DNA Structure

Answer the following questions which accompanies the video:

Youtube Video:
DNA Structure and Function 

by: Amoeba Sisters

1. Each cell is your body has the same ___________.
2. Which gene is turned off in your skin cells but turned on in your stomach cells?
3. What is gene regulation?
4. DNA belongs to which biological molecule?
5. What is the monomer of a nucleic acid, DNA?
6. DNA stands for....
7. Which part of the nucleotide encodes for character traits?
8 What are the 4 nitrogenous bases?
9. Describe how the 4 nitrogenous bases complimentary base pair?
10. Which parts of the nucleotide makes up the backbone of DNA?
11. DNA has the shape of ____________.
12. Which part of the nucleotides is at the center of the DNA molecule?
13. What determines if a gene is turned on or off?

Nucleic Acids_DNA vs. RNA

II. Compare and contrast DNA and RNA using a T-chart after watching the video below

Video: From youtube by amoeba sisters

Video title: Why RNA is just as cool as DNA

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Calvin Cycle Video

Video #1: Calvin cycle

Answer the following questions about this youtube video here.
"Nature's smallest factory: The Calvin cycle - Cathy Symington" by TED-Ed

10. For the Calvin cycle, what is the name of the 5 carbon  unstable molecule?

11. What is the name of the enzyme required to add carbon from CO2 to the 5 carbon unstable molecule?

12. what is the name of the (2) 3-carbon molecules?

13. For the Light Independent reaction, answer the following:
a. Location in chloroplast?
b. Starting material?
c. Products?
d. Destination of products?

Monday, October 3, 2016

Photosynthesis Video

Video #1: Photosynthesis

Answer the following questions about this youtube video (here)
“ Photosynthesis and the Teeny Tiny Pigment Pancakes” by the Ameoba Sisters

1. Which biological molecule do plants and animals need?

2. What is the process by which plants take sunlight and make glucose?

3. What is the chemical equation describing photosynthesis?

4. What are the reactants of photosynthesis? Products?

5. What is the pigment of plants that captures sunlight?

6. Where is chlorophyll found in plants?

7. In the light dependent reaction, sunlight is converted into what type of energy?

8.  What are the 3 process/reactions of photosynthesis?

9. For the light dependent reaction, answer the following:
a. Location in chloroplast?
b. Starting Material?
c. Products?
d. Destination of products?

10. For Hydrolysis, answer the following:
a. Location in chloroplast?
b. Starting material?
c. Products?
d. Desintation of products?

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Amoeba sisters - Cellular Transport Video

Please answer the questions for the following video:

Video can be found on youtube:


Osmosis: A Solute and Solvent Love Story

Amoeba Sisters

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Cellular Organelles- Amoeba Sisters Video

Watch the video on Cellular Organelles and answer the questions here

"Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes" by Amoeba Sisters on Youtube

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Introduction to Protein Synthesis

Watch the video below to answer questions about protein synthesis.

Video by: Stated Clearly
Title: What is DNA and how does it work?

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

What is a Gene?

Watch the video here.
Video title: What is a gene?
by: Stated Clearly

Watch the video, and summarize into diagrams and brief statements

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Honors Biology_Monday Sept. 12 Class

Good Morning H.Biology!!

You will be working on the cellular organelles webquest today during class.  The substitute will provide a hard copy of the webquest to you.  If you are having difficulty accessing the websites on the webquest, then use the links below:

Link #1 (For animal and plant cell information):

Link #2 (For Prokaryotic cells information):\

Cellular Organelles Project for Block #1:
You will be working in groups of 4 to complete the cellular organelles project.  This project will include: I) a mini poster presentation on your assigned organelle along with II) a whole cell 3D model.  Due date is Monday September 19, 2016

I) The mini poster presentation will include the following information:
a. Function of organelle
b. Structure of organelle
c. Explanation of how the structure of the organelle helps the organelle perform its job
d. Which other organelles work directly with your assigned organelle? Explain how your organelle must work in collaboration with other organelles in the cell in order to keep the cell alive and functioning.
e. Explain what could go wrong if your organelle fails to do its job.  What diseases could result if your organelle cannot perform its function.  Please do not say, "the cell will die and then the human will die."  You must provide specific details on how your organelle is important in the life of a single cell, and how the failure of your organelle to do its job can lead to human disease.

Details can also be found here.

II) Model: 
In Science models are used to make complex ideas easier to understand.  To demonstrate your knowledge of plant and animal cells you are to construct a model that adheres to the following guidelines.

1.     Choose to make a plant or animal cell. 

The cell must include the following structures :
a.     Plant Cell: nucleus, chloroplast, central vacuole, cell wall,  cell membrane, rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi Apparatus, ribosomes, mitochondria

b.     Animal Cell: nucleus, cell membrane, rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi Apparatus, mitochondria, vacuole, lysosomes, ribosomes

3. You can make the 3D model out of the materials such as play doh, pipe cleaners, beans, and construction paper.  You should keep in mind that a cell is three dimensional, and that model must reflect that concept.

4.    Your cell model should be as accurate as possible. The cell parts should be located where they belong. For example: the nucleus should be bigger than ribosome’s, the chloroplast should be green, a plant cell must be rectangular or your animal cell must be circular.

5.    The cell must be identified as plant or animal.  Each organelle must be fully labeled with its name and function (accurate description of its role in the cell) either on the model, OR numbered on the model and identified using a separate key containing each organelle’s full name and function.  

III) Organelle Assignment for Block 1
You will be working in groups of 4, which will be the same classmates at your table group.

Riley's Table - Nucleus
Ahmad's Table - Ribosomes
Sophia's Table - Mitochondria
Caroline's Table - Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
Hannah's Table - Chloroplast
Carter's Table - Plasma Membrane

Tuesday, September 6, 2016


Answer the following questions as you watch the video about enzymes.

Video can be found on youtube with the following link:

"Enzymes - A Fun Introduction"

1. What are enzymes?
2. Enzymes have a specific shape. True/False
3. Explain the location and function of 2 enzymes:
                      Location:               Function:         

4. Common characteristics of enzymes:

     a. Each enzyme has an active site
                  I. Diagram and define active site of an enzyme
                  II. Diagram and define substrate
                  III. Diagram and explain what happens to a substrate during a chemical reaction.
                  IV. Starch in bread is changed into monomers called                                    
                   V. Starch is what type of biological molecule (not found in video)?
                   VI. What combines excess glucose molecules together to form starch?
                    VII. Where is glycogen found?

       b. Enzymes are very specific
                  I. Explain why the enzyme, lipase, can only bind to fat and not glucose (include diagram)

       c. Enzymes are recycled
                  I. Enzymes are altered/changed by the chemical reaction.  True/False
                  II. Enzymes are reusable.  True/False

Friday, September 2, 2016

Biological Molecules

Watch the videos below to answer the following questions 
I.  (

Video: from youtube
Video Title: The Biomolecule Band
1.       Why do marathon runners do something called pasta loading?

2.       What are the monomers of carbohydrates called?

3.       What are the 2 components of a lipid monomer?

4.       List the functions of lipids.

5.       Once your body has used up all the available carbohydrate, which biological molecule do you use next as an energy source?

6.       What are the functions of protein?

7.       What are 2 types of nucleic acid?

8.       What is the monomer of nucleic acid?

9.       Draw and label the 3 parts of a nucleotide from the information on your summary statements (p.44-48 in your textbook)

10.   What are the elements found in nucleic acids?

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Characterisitcs of Life Reading

Please read the article linked below about the characteristics of life.


Write a statement that summarizes EACH paragraph of the reading.  This summary statement MUST be in your own words.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

EOC_Genetics Review

Please complete the practice multiple choice questions HERE.
ONLY COMPLETE questions 23-52

Friday, May 27, 2016

Ecology and Evolution Review Videos

There are TWO videos that you will need to watch AND take notes on.  Please take notes on the videos as if you were taking notes from me in class.  The videos are as follows;

By: amoeba sisters
"Natural Selection and the Bacterial Resistance"

By: Amoeba sisters
"Dichotomous Keys: Identification Achievement Unlocked"

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Cell Division - DNA replication - Protein Synthesis EOC Review Questions

Please complete the questions here.

1. Before mitosis begins, which happens before the nucleus starts dividing?

a. The cytoplasm separates.

b. The DNA replicates.

c. The sister chromatids separate.

d. The homologous chromosomes cross over.

2. A strand of DNA has these bases: AGC CAT GTA TAC What is the

complementary DNA strand?





3. Which statement best describes the relationship that exists among proteins,

DNA, and cells?

a. Proteins combine to produce cells, which produce DNA.

b. Proteins are made up of DNA, which determines the cells that are

c. DNA is made up of proteins, which tell a cell how to function.

d. Cells contain DNA, which controls the production of proteins.

4. Why is meiosis important for sexual reproduction?

a. It allows the zygote formed from fertilization to have triple the

b. It allows gametes to have twice the original number of chromosomes

c. It allows gametes to have half the original number of chromosomes of

d. It allows the zygote formed from fertilization

5. Which process produces the most variation within a species?

a. asexual reproduction

b. sexual reproduction

c. mitosis

d. cloning

6. What are the subunits of DNA and their function?

a. nucleotides that store information

b. monosaccharides that provide quick energy for the cell

c. lipids that store energy and provide insulation

d. proteins that provide the building blocks for the structural components


7. During which phase of the cell cycle is the cell growing and preparing for

cellular division?

a. Cytokinesis

b. Anaphase

c. Prophase

d. Interphase

8. A segment of DNA has this sequence: ATA GCA CAT GTA What is the mRNA

sequence transcribed from this segment?





9. This chart shows which amino acids are coded for by different combinations

of mRNA nucleotides. Which amino acids are coded for by an mRNA segment

that reads CAG GUG?

a. arginine and valine

b. isoleucine and arginine

c. glutamine and valine

d. valine and isoleucine

10. Which would most likely produce a mutation that is passed on to offspring?

a. radiation changing the DNA sequence in skin cells

b. a gamete with an extra chromosome forming

c. tobacco smoke altering the genes in lung cells

d. exposure to chemicals altering nerve cell function

11. How does DNA code for proteins in a cell?

a. by creating a new double helix structure

b. by using its phosphate and sugar molecules

c. by adding more hydrogen bonds to its structure

d. by arranging certain nitrogen bases of the cell in a particular order

12. What is the result when a single cell reproduces by mitosis?

a. two cells with genetic material identical to the parent cell

b. two cells with half the genetic material of the parent cell

c. four cells with half the genetic material of the parent cell

d. four cells with genetic material identical to the parent cell

13. How would overexposure to X-rays affect most animal cells?

a. It would increase cell specialization in organs.

b. It would change the sequence of DNA nucleotides in affected cells.

c. It would produce new nucleotides for DNA molecules.

d. It would cause an increase in red blood cell production.

14. How are sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction different?

a. Sexual reproduction produces offspring identical to the parents, but

asexual reproduction produces offspring with traits from both parents.

b. Asexual reproduction produces offspring identical to the parents, but

sexual reproduction produces offspring with traits from both parents.

c. Sexual reproduction only occurs in multicellular organisms, but asexual

reproduction only occurs in unicellular organisms.

d. Asexual reproduction only occurs in multicellular organisms, but sexual

reproduction only occurs in unicellular organisms.

15. Which characteristic is present in offspring produced by sexual reproduction,

but is missing in offspring produced by asexual reproduction?

a. an identical copy of parent chromosomes

b. twice the number of parent chromosomes

c. only half the number of parent chromosomes

d. an independent assortment of parent chromosomes

16. Which factor most affects the order of amino acids in a protein?

a. the DNA located in the nucleus of the cell

b. the cell in which the protein is located

c. the amount of ATP available for the cell’s use

d. the area in a cell where proteins are produced

17. Which best explains why muscle cells are different from blood cells?

a. A mutation occurs during the development of muscle cells but not in

blood cells.

b. Different genes are activated in muscle cells than in blood cells.

c. Muscles cells experience different environmental influences than blood


d. Muscle cells are produced by the brain, but blood cells are produced by

the heart.

18. The diagram below shows the cell cycle.

Which of the following activities occurs in the G1 phase?

A. growth of the cell

B. replication of the DNA

C. formation of the mitotic spindle

D. breakdown of the nuclear membrane

19. Which of the following statements best describes why the change in only one

DNA base of the hemoglobin gene results in a different protein product of

the gene?

a. The change prevents mRNA from being made.

b. The change alters the amino acid sequence of the protein.

c. The change causes the blood cells to divide in an uncontrolled way.

d. The change creates a second strand of mRNA for each RNA molecule.

20. In a eukaryotic cell, which of the following processes directly involves DNA?

a. Translation

b. cellular respiration

c. active transport of ions

d. replication of chromosomes

21. In a molecule of double-stranded DNA, the amount of adenine present is

always equal to the amount of

a. cytosine.

b. guanine.

c. thymine.

d. uracil.

22. Which of the following statements best explains why offspring produced by

sexual reproduction often look similar to, but not exactly the same as, their


a. The offspring have genetic material from both the mother and the


b. The cells of the offspring contain all the dominant genes from the


c. The cells of the offspring undergo mitosis many times as the offspring

grow and develop.

d. The offspring have a period of embryonic development, rather than

being born immediately after fertilization.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Biological Molecules EOC Review

Please answer the questions below while viewing the video here.

(video can be found on youtube by TED-ED and titled "

How do carbohydrates impact your health? - Richard J. Wood")

1. Explain how the consumption of sugar affects your blood sugar
2. Identify the enzyme necessary to break down polysaccharides.

3. Provide examples of food that have high, medium, and low glycemic index.

4. Explain the function of insulin and identify the organ responsible for producing insulin.

5. Define insulin sensitivity and explain how a mutation in amylase affects your blood sugar.

6. Explain how an individual can develop insulin resistance.  

Friday, May 20, 2016

Monday, May 16, 2016

Sex-Linked Crosses

Please watch the video on Sex-Linked Traits and answer the questions here.

Video: (

Title: Punnett Squares and Sex-Linked Traits
by:    Amoeba sisters

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Genetic Disorder Webquest

Block 1 homework due May 16th, 2016

Please complete the webquest that is posted here.  You may write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Blood Type

Please watch the following video and answer the video questions here.

Video Title: (
Multiple Alleles (ABO Blood Types) and Punnett Squares
Amoeba Sisters

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Blood Type

I)                    Read the following information on this website to answer the following questions:

1.       Human blood type is determined by                                                        alleles.

2.       Define codominant alleles.                                                                                                                         

3.       The gene for blood type has how many alleles?                                                                                

4.       What are the 3 alleles for blood type?                                                                                                   

II)                  Click on “Blood Type Genotype” at the bottom of website (


·         The allele for Blood Type A is co dominant to allele for Blood Type B.  If you inherit allele A from Mom and Allele B from dad, then the blood type of the child is AB.

·         “O” Allele is always recessive to allele A and allele B for blood type.

5.       If you are Type A blood, what are the possible genotypes?

6.       If you are Type B blood, what are the possible genotypes?

7.       If you are Type AB blood, what are the possible genotypes?

8.       If you are Type O blood, what are the possible genotypes?

III)                Go to the following website to answer the questions below:

1.       Read the information and summarize each section of the reading into summary statements.

2.       Complete the following chart: