Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Amoeba sisters - Cellular Transport Video

Please answer the questions for the following video:

Video can be found on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IaZ8MtF3C6M


Osmosis: A Solute and Solvent Love Story

Amoeba Sisters

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Cellular Organelles- Amoeba Sisters Video

Watch the video on Cellular Organelles and answer the questions here

video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ruBAHiij4EA&feature=youtu.be
"Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes" by Amoeba Sisters on Youtube

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Introduction to Protein Synthesis

Watch the video below to answer questions about protein synthesis.

Video by: Stated Clearly
Title: What is DNA and how does it work?

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

What is a Gene?

Watch the video here.
Video title: What is a gene?
by: Stated Clearly

Watch the video, and summarize into diagrams and brief statements

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Honors Biology_Monday Sept. 12 Class

Good Morning H.Biology!!

You will be working on the cellular organelles webquest today during class.  The substitute will provide a hard copy of the webquest to you.  If you are having difficulty accessing the websites on the webquest, then use the links below:

Link #1 (For animal and plant cell information): http://www.cellsalive.com/cells/cell_model_js.htm

Link #2 (For Prokaryotic cells information): http://www.cellsalive.com/cells/bactcell_js.htm\

Cellular Organelles Project for Block #1:
You will be working in groups of 4 to complete the cellular organelles project.  This project will include: I) a mini poster presentation on your assigned organelle along with II) a whole cell 3D model.  Due date is Monday September 19, 2016

I) The mini poster presentation will include the following information:
a. Function of organelle
b. Structure of organelle
c. Explanation of how the structure of the organelle helps the organelle perform its job
d. Which other organelles work directly with your assigned organelle? Explain how your organelle must work in collaboration with other organelles in the cell in order to keep the cell alive and functioning.
e. Explain what could go wrong if your organelle fails to do its job.  What diseases could result if your organelle cannot perform its function.  Please do not say, "the cell will die and then the human will die."  You must provide specific details on how your organelle is important in the life of a single cell, and how the failure of your organelle to do its job can lead to human disease.

Details can also be found here.

II) Model: 
In Science models are used to make complex ideas easier to understand.  To demonstrate your knowledge of plant and animal cells you are to construct a model that adheres to the following guidelines.

1.     Choose to make a plant or animal cell. 

The cell must include the following structures :
a.     Plant Cell: nucleus, chloroplast, central vacuole, cell wall,  cell membrane, rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi Apparatus, ribosomes, mitochondria

b.     Animal Cell: nucleus, cell membrane, rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi Apparatus, mitochondria, vacuole, lysosomes, ribosomes

3. You can make the 3D model out of the materials such as play doh, pipe cleaners, beans, and construction paper.  You should keep in mind that a cell is three dimensional, and that model must reflect that concept.

4.    Your cell model should be as accurate as possible. The cell parts should be located where they belong. For example: the nucleus should be bigger than ribosome’s, the chloroplast should be green, a plant cell must be rectangular or your animal cell must be circular.

5.    The cell must be identified as plant or animal.  Each organelle must be fully labeled with its name and function (accurate description of its role in the cell) either on the model, OR numbered on the model and identified using a separate key containing each organelle’s full name and function.  

III) Organelle Assignment for Block 1
You will be working in groups of 4, which will be the same classmates at your table group.

Riley's Table - Nucleus
Ahmad's Table - Ribosomes
Sophia's Table - Mitochondria
Caroline's Table - Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
Hannah's Table - Chloroplast
Carter's Table - Plasma Membrane

Tuesday, September 6, 2016


Answer the following questions as you watch the video about enzymes.

Video can be found on youtube with the following link:

"Enzymes - A Fun Introduction"

1. What are enzymes?
2. Enzymes have a specific shape. True/False
3. Explain the location and function of 2 enzymes:
                      Location:               Function:         

4. Common characteristics of enzymes:

     a. Each enzyme has an active site
                  I. Diagram and define active site of an enzyme
                  II. Diagram and define substrate
                  III. Diagram and explain what happens to a substrate during a chemical reaction.
                  IV. Starch in bread is changed into monomers called                                    
                   V. Starch is what type of biological molecule (not found in video)?
                   VI. What combines excess glucose molecules together to form starch?
                    VII. Where is glycogen found?

       b. Enzymes are very specific
                  I. Explain why the enzyme, lipase, can only bind to fat and not glucose (include diagram)

       c. Enzymes are recycled
                  I. Enzymes are altered/changed by the chemical reaction.  True/False
                  II. Enzymes are reusable.  True/False

Friday, September 2, 2016

Biological Molecules

Watch the videos below to answer the following questions 
I.  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJ7xOSCEmZw)

Video: from youtube
Video Title: The Biomolecule Band
1.       Why do marathon runners do something called pasta loading?

2.       What are the monomers of carbohydrates called?

3.       What are the 2 components of a lipid monomer?

4.       List the functions of lipids.

5.       Once your body has used up all the available carbohydrate, which biological molecule do you use next as an energy source?

6.       What are the functions of protein?

7.       What are 2 types of nucleic acid?

8.       What is the monomer of nucleic acid?

9.       Draw and label the 3 parts of a nucleotide from the information on your summary statements (p.44-48 in your textbook)

10.   What are the elements found in nucleic acids?